
Le 02/03/2017

Tucker Boulder Park (USA)

The bid from Sunrise Construction, to install two concrete pads, a handicapped accessible parking area, and tons of rubberized mulch to surround the boulders was unanimously approved. Ground breaking is expected to commence this spring as weather permits.

The bid from ENTRE-PRISES to design, construct and install a 1300 square foot extra-large boulder and a 400 square foot children’s boulder was also approved unanimously with installation expected this summer. ENTRE-PRISES, a world leader in climbing wall projects, is a “design-build firm” insuring that each boulder will be unique and custom designed to reflect local topography. Three boulders are planned for the park.

The ENTRE-PRISES Design Team includes project managers, designers, and an in-house architect that works with a local design team volunteering their time on behalf of the Tucker Boulder Park project. The boulders feature interchangeable holds that allow for creative route setting and adaptive features for challenged climbers.



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