
Le 01/07/2017

The IFSC and ENTRE-PRISES have renewed their time-honoured partnership.

The IFSC and ENTRE-PRISES have renewed their time-honoured partnership.

The world leader in climbing walls and official IFSC climbing wall supplier ENTRE-PRISES (EP) has been supporting the growth and media coverage of sport climbing since the birth of the IFSC.  EP became a major IFSC partner in 2011. After ten years of working together, the partnership is as steady as ever with a renewal of EP’s role as official IFSC climbing wall supplier until TOKYO 2020.

  Shared values for a shared future

The IFSC benefits from EP’s experience of over 30 years in the climbing market and of some 6000 climbing structures built throughout the world thanks to the company’s strong international presence. From the outset, the goal of EP’s international and multicultural team has been, and still is, to make climbing and its inherent values accessible to as many people as possible through designing, constructing and managing climbing walls. The sharing of common values has always been at the heart of the close partnership between the IFSC and EP: environmental protection, fairness, safety, health, education, equality and access for all.

“We are delighted to renew our partnership with ENTRE-PRISES,” says IFSC president Marco Scolaris. "Their time-honoured support has helped our sport attain great heights. It is very important for us to share values that are central to our common goal and we’re looking forward to marking out new territory together as we continue to develop sport climbing.”

 A shared Olympic vision

The IFSC and EP also share the same enthusiasm for Olympic principles and values, which is crucial in making sport climbing a part of the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games and Buenos Aires 2018 Youth Olympic Games.

“We are convinced that flourishing climbing competitions play a very important role in the spread of climbing values,” says Hélène Baudrand, Marketing Manager for ENTRE-PRISES. “We are proud to support the IFSC in its work regarding this.”

 EP is an experienced IFSC climbing wall supplier. The Climbing World Cup event taking place in the Swiss town of Villars on 7 and 8 July 2017 will have walls equipped from top to bottom by EP.


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