
Le 23/11/2016

Young French climbers excel at the World Youth Championships in China

Coming away with four golds and three silvers, the athletes from the French youth climbing teams put on a good show during the Youth World Championships in China that ended in Guangzhou on Sunday.

We give a special mention to Sam Avezou from Massy in the Greater Paris area who narrowly claimed Lead gold for a second year running in a challenging contest in the Youth B group. His performances in Speed and Boulder (4th) also assured him Combined gold.

Our regional competitors were outstanding at these world championships. From the Haute Savoie town of Les Carroz, Arsène Duval trains at the Team France training centre in the town of Voiron in the Isère. He came 7th in Lead, 13th in Boulder and 26th in Speed and took the gold in the Youth A Combined competition.

In the male junior Speed competition, Pierre Rebreyend from the Isère became vice world champion, as did Ema Fleuret from the Réunion in the female Youth A category. And last, but not least, Nathan Martin from Nancy became Youth B Boulder world champion.

What a fantastic team and a good omen for the future of French Olympic climbing with Tokyo 2020 in view.


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